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... posted on Aug 10 2003, 489 reads


Scientists have created a neuro-feedback system that dramatically improves the performance of musicians. Neurofeedback monitors brain activity through sensors attached to the scalp which filter out the brainwaves, which are then 'fed back' to the individual in the form of a video game displayed on a screen. The participant learns to control the game by altering particular aspects of their brain ... posted on Aug 09 2003, 2,537 reads


500 Years of Peace
Dr. Ariyaratne is often called the 'Gandhi of Sri Lanka'. Under a tree, he started the 'Saravodaya Sharmadana Movement' for spiritual and material upliftment of the rural Sri Lankans, through their own labor. Today, Dr. Ari's is working with 200,000 people in 12,000 of the 25,000 villages, with some remarkable results. He's got a peace plan, not for 10 or 50 years, but the next 500 years!... posted on Aug 08 2003, 1,853 reads


"Read me," said the sticker on 'The Catcher in the Rye'. The paperback had been left on a Santa Monica bus, where a rider noticed it and took it home. When he'd finished, he left in a hotel lobby, hoping another stranger would find it, read it, and pass it on. Ron Hornbaker, 37, wanted to make the whole world a library and started which encourages people to abandon books so oth... posted on Aug 07 2003, 2,264 reads


Happy people are three times less likely to get a cold, according to researchers who squirted cold virus up the noses of volunteers. Psychologist Sheldon Cohen and his colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania, also found that the positive thinkers who do develop symptoms complain about them less.... posted on Aug 06 2003, 1,083 reads


More than half the world lives on less than two dollars a day. Ever wonder if you could take those 5 bucks for coffee and buy something from a rural artisan in a developing country? How 'bout if you knew that there were no middle-man costs? Welcome to yet another fully volunteer-run project of CharityFocus that is getting rave reviews -- Community Shops!... posted on Aug 05 2003, 1,322 reads


... posted on Aug 04 2003, 610 reads


... posted on Aug 03 2003, 597 reads


Experts say that each email takes an average of 30 seconds to deal with — instantly deleting some, spending 10 minutes on important ones. If you 500 emails, that's four-plus hours every day! So how do the big name handle loads of emails? Few don't read it, some have an assistant or multiple email addresses, and many have email filters while few have started utilizing any spare time (in elevat... posted on Aug 02 2003, 1,440 reads


Cover of Time magazine this week reads -- "The Science of Meditation." It continues with the following blurb: "Scientists study it. Doctors recommend it. Millions of Americans -— many of whom don't even own crystals —- practice it every day. Why? Because meditation works." ... posted on Aug 01 2003, 2,311 reads


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The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.
Aung San Suu Kyi

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